claire carter

mbacp, BA Hons, Dip C, PGCE, FCTC

Offering confidential counselling and life coaching sessions online, face to face or as Walk & Talk appointments in the heart of the Ribble Valley, Lancashire.


Thank you for visiting my website, this site provides an introduction to me and my work.
You will find information on talking therapy/counselling and how working with an experienced therapist can help people to manage anxiety and low mood or difficult emotions such as grief, anger and low self-esteem, which in turn can lead to unhelpful patterns of behavior and relationship problems.

Talking therapy supports people to understand and resolve emotional difficulties and trauma from the past and can help people to cope more effectively and come to terms with challenging life events and upsetting experiences.

I’ve worked as a counsellor and therapeutic coach for a number of years and aim to offer support that’s focused on you and your individual life experiences, challenges and hopes for the future.

If you’re interested in finding out more you can book a no obligation free 20 minute phone consultation with me to discuss how talking therapy sessions might help you.


Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist creating a confidential and non-judgmental space to help you look at issues which may be impacting negatively on day to day life. This can help you to process difficult experiences, come to terms with life events and find constructive ways to manage overwhelming feelings and unhelpful behaviour patterns.

As well as online and face to face appointments in my office I also offer Walk & Talk Therapy sessions which incorporate an element of Mindfulness.


Life Coaching can help you make sustainable long term changes in life areas such as career and relationships. It differs from Counselling which supports mental health care working with issues such as anxiety and low mood by focusing on personal and professional development aiming to increase self confidence, clarity and purpose.

Working with you as a life coach can help you to create a plan to motivate you to get from A to B. Identifying achievable and measurable goals, looking at skills and strengths and any obstacles or barriers which may have kept you stuck in unhelpful behavior patterns in the past.


A Walk & Talk appointment provides a safe space to explore issues but in an outdoor setting in the Ribble Valley. It brings in elements of Mindfulness practice and the benefits of Eco Therapy using green spaces as a backdrop as well as movement as part of the therapeutic process.

Before the appointment we agree where we will walk as well as alternative arrangements if the Lancashire weather makes it too challenging to go out walking.

Please note this service is only currently available for female clients over 18 years.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”

— Viktor.E. Frankl